Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Republican candidate for governor, poses with his controversial Jeep. (Kobach/Facebook)
Over the weekend, residents of Shawnee, Kan., gathered for the annual parade celebrating their city’s heritage.
People in lawn chairs peppered the sidewalks. Children sat on the curb, their eyes glued to the colorful floats and decorated cars inching down the street. A giant American flag suspended over the parade route flapped in the breeze.
Then an eye-catching vehicle rolled past the crowd. Reactions were mixed.
It was a Jeep painted like an American flag with a replica of what appeared to be a .50-caliber machine gun attached to the back, according to the Kansas City Star. Riding in it was Kansas Secretary of State and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach, grinning and waving to onlookers.
“Had a blast riding in the Old Shawnee Days Parade in this souped up jeep with a replica gun,” Kobach tweeted after the parade. “Those who want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms are deeply misguided. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
But Kobach’s parade entry did not sit well with some attendees and sparked backlash on social media from people critical of the politician for displaying the gun at a family-oriented event where children were present.
“It was pretty shocking,” parade attendee Johnny Lewis told the Kansas City Star. “There were audible gasps from the folks we were sitting by.”
Lewis also took to Twitter to express his concerns. He wrote that his 6-year-old daughter, who was present at the parade, “worries constantly” about school shootings and “endures intruder training at school in fear.”
He added that the “very real looking” gun “with visible ammunition rounds hanging from it” was pointed at the crowd.
“My child didn’t need that today,” Lewis’s tweet went on to say. “Don’t care what your position is on second amendment that is completely unnecessary.”
Others called Kobach “clueless” and “socially tone deaf.”
“Children are scared to go to school and you cram this scene in their faces,” one user wrote. “I will do everything in my power to make sure you never set foot in the Governor’s office.”
Even some supporters of gun rights spoke out against Kobach’s actions.
On Facebook, one person commented, “I’m a lifelong conservative and strong believer in the second amendment, and I found your float extremely tacky and inappropriate.”
Another said he had planned to “defend Kobach,” but after seeing the Jeep, he changed his mind.
“If you wanted to show support for the 2nd Amendment, why didn’t you just carry a pistol on your hip?” the commenter wrote. “Why the big gun. Those ARE man killers. Replica or not, that was a dumb move. I’ve always liked Kobach, and I hope he makes better moves than this in the future.”
Some also pointed out that machine guns, similar to the replica Kobach used, are not protected by the Second Amendment.
After the parade, the City of Shawnee and the event’s organizers released a statement Saturday apologizing for the “concern and frustration” caused by Kobach’s actions.
“In no way does this or any parade entry or float directly reflect the views and values of the City, the Old Shawnee Days Board or the Old Shawnee Days Society,” the statement said. “Please know that the safety of our residents is always our highest priority and we apologize if this made anyone feel unsafe or unsettled.”
But in an interview with KMBC, Kobach insisted that “99 percent” of the crowd reacted “very positively” and noted that people were “taking pictures of the Jeep, giving me thumbs-ups.”
“Thank you for standing up,” one Facebook commenter said. “Sad we live next door to neighbors that have forgotten so much about history. Keep up the good fight.”
Another Facebook user called Kobach a “good man.”
“Guns were carried and displayed in every parade I’ve ever been to,” the comment said. “Proudly by the patriots who made our country great!”
On Sunday evening, Kobach defended his actions, posting a photo of himself next to the Jeep to Facebook and Twitter.
Along with the photo, Kobach wrote, “The outrage over the replica gun on the back of a patriotic jeep is the left trying to attack guns and your #2A rights. I will not back down in the face of a snowflake meltdown and outrage culture.”
Kobach told KMBC he thought the Jeep looked cool and that it symbolized the U.S. military, especially having the military gun mounted on it.
“I think it’s kind of amusing that snowflakes today think that people will be afraid at the sight of a gun,” he said.
People should grow up and look at the 2nd amendment with logic and reason and not out of fear.
I see nothing wrong with it people should grow up and look at the 2nd amendment this was not to put fear into people and to realize that this was a replica machine gun in the parade.
The 2nd Amendment is not to be compromised or traded for a bowel of soup. Anyone that believes in gun control is for gun confiscation which will lead to dictatorship. Common sense is being thrown out with thinking of the consequences when people will buy into the lies of the democrats/communists. Teach the children honestly about the proper use of weapons instead of scaring them to death. When the people are taught the truth, then they will not be a bunch of snowflakes that get their feelings hurt when they see a gun being used in the proper way.
Correct. It also represents the fight that took place to win freedom for those that choose to complain freely and openly for most likely something they never remotely experienced – fear and courage to face someone who wishes to take away that right.
reply to Don: Agreed! The only ones made safer by gun control are criminals and tyrants. If the government is trying to register/ban/confiscate guns, the tyrants are already in there, they’re just trying to gain more power by disarming the people.
EXACTLY we all know its not the guns that are the problem! It was a parade nobody but the snow flakes that know squat about guns were alarmed!! When I was a kid the National guard used to pull vintage cannons behind their jeeps in all the local parades!
Yea I remember those days the High School ROTC class with Their M1 Garand carrying the American Flag leading the way followed by The National Guard with their M52 tank and the came the Reserves with their Tanks and M16 . The good old days where a gun was just a gun and didn’t go around pulling it’s own Trigger and Randomly Targeting people with it’s nonexistent brain.
Maybe some one should do a dvd build of it. Then everyone can have one, even the snowflakes.?
Then go live in Mexico, guns are harder to come by, but the militia drives up and down the streets with machine guns mounted on their jeeps everyday! Wonder why they need these? Only the militia and criminals have guns, everyone else is defenseless. Be grateful for your freedom!
Yep, these “adults” are scaring these kids about weapons of any type. None of these kids have ever seen the older tv shows like the Rat Patrol, or Combat.
I agree, I have had a CWP (Concealed Weapons Permit) for over 18 years and conceal carry a weapon every day, but it is concealed, not in plain sight. With all of the shootings, and especially the school shootings that have happened I would never do what this jack ass did, I am a conservative, but this man is an ass hole. And if he were in my voting district, the only way I would vote for him is if he were the only conservative on the ballot and the only reason is because I will never again vote for a liberal, I used to be a Democrat but I don’t believe in what they have become. But I also don’t believe what this guy has done either.
Tom, you obviously ARE still a democrat. That kind of real gun and ALL weapons are protected by the 2nd amendment. Don’t you know what the 2nd is for and about? Perhaps you should brush up on your AMERICAN history.
ONLY muzzle loading muskets are protected by the 2nd Amendment. After all, technology was frozen in time when the outdated Constitution was written. We need a new progressive one. (satire folks)
You sir are an ignorant asshole
Your leftist is showing………..
You should go down and live in Mexico. You would be very happy when only criminals have the weapons. That includes the Policia. Comprende Reece1.
Jimmy, and you are clueless!
Sorry I need to disagree people need to be reminded that freedom is not free and most relate to this presentation
Tommy girl go have a good cry & have your teddy bear to console you.
Liar. you are a hoplophobe. You have probably never even held a gun. If it wern’t for people who are not scared of weapons the enemy would have already taken over.
Sounds like you still have a little democrat in you!
Tom says: ” With all of the shootings, and especially the school shootings that have happened I would never do what this jack ass did, I am a conservative, but this man is an ass hole. ”
Okay Tom, so how is what he did any different than soldiers with weapons shouldered, armored vehicles with real weapons mounted, parading by? So, he’s an asshole because he wasn’t wearing a military uniform or in a military vehicle that suited you? If his jeep was painted OD green would you then be satisfied and not so belligerent?
Perhaps you should go back to the Democratic party because your attitude sounds just like what theirs is!
It’s sad and pitiful that here in America, the far left has brainwashed folks into thinking guns are scarry and if there’s one mounted to a vehicle in a parade and Mr. Pansie and his 6 year old are traumatized, Get a grip fruitcake. I wish all of these snowflake people could be shipped off to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. Let them get a taste of what all the countries that aren’t us care about feelings and safe spaces.
The “children” who were traumatized were the snowflake so-called adults.
That’s my line for the question on gun control in general. “Gun control? … Get a grip!” — EVS
those were my favorites!!
Yup that is exactly what I was thinking, Miss those old shows, back when the people leading these United States had some BALLS. That is not an attack on the current president as he is trying to fix things but we have so many of these snowflakes and their variety it is making it difficult.
The snowflake parents might be surprised to see how familiar their little angels are with the video game firearms in FPS games and the violence those games contain. They see their parents melt down over an innocent replica in a parade and they probably think what wimps they are.
Exactly…it’s always 1% of nay-Sayers who are protesting…and they get 99% of the MSM coverage to include the nightly news…Is it any wonder people are scared…that’s what the agenda of the MSM is all about…which thus enhances their number of viewers and readers who enjoy listening to the big (scary) lie…which is designed to boost profits…thus boosting salaries…thus boosting bonuses…Who is it which profits from all of this…you guessed it…it is the MSM…Why?…Because they have the power of the pen…and the power to control your thoughts…The MSM is a force contrary to a free democratic society.
Come on people, grow up.
Don’t you realize how tight automatic weapons are controlled.
Get a friggin life
Well, according to TV shows automatic weapons are used every day in America on the streets by the bad guys.
By the way, I believe there’ve been only 3 instances of automatic weapons having been used since the heydays of the Chicago typewriter. One was by a corrupt police officer.
Amen. God bless the good guys and their open carry guns!
Don’t judge all Kansans by a handful of eastern urbanites. They probably are transplants from Cali-“foreign”-ia.
we need more people in parades doing more of this i remember as a kid the military vehicals tanks trucks cannons coming down the street that was when we had pride in our country the libs need to stop all this bull if you don’t like it don’t go to the parade
Exactly. To many snowflake types looking for anything to whine and cry about..
With babies like that it makes one wonder how we ever managed to save the world in WW2 and on.
Don’t go to a Military Parade. You might faint.
As a young man I can remember waiting for the show Rat Patrol to come on. It was about just this Jeeps with machine guns mounted to them. It was one of my favorite shows along with a whole number of shooten up cowboy shows. By time I was ten I was proficient with a 22 caliber rifle, and at twelve I got my first hunting license and started hunting big game with my brother and Uncle. I hunted birds, rabbits, rock chucks, and just about any other game that was out there. In my12 years in school and my 61 years of life I’ve never even considered shooting another human and just because I was exposed to guns and violent shows I never lost my humanity. This is where people need to look. What is different today versus our day? Why do the youth of today not value life? What made us able to watch such shows, go hunting and be exposed to killing yet still know how precious human life is? To much fear mongering about guns will never ease fears or stop the killing. Look at the UK now they are banning knives because the banning of guns doesn’t stop the desire. Let’s all stop and consider what needs to happen in society to help our youth understand how dear and precious life is.
I don’t think I have ever heard it so well put. You nailed it. Thanks.
When your family is beheaded by Muslim ISIS you will consider killing another human being.
When I asked this question to three Jehovah Witness ladies who stopped by my home,who had told me we should forgive all, they quickly changed their mind and indeed kill them!
Forgiveness is one thing, but it needs to be preceded by repentance. Even God requires repentance before forgiveness. Do these liberals think they are better than God? I’m afraid some of them probably do. However, they still won’t forgive conservatives for just disagreeing with them.
I did not grow up playing Indians and Cowboys, Cops and Robbers, we played “war”. We had our imaginary
guns, and, pretended they were ‘automatic’ weapons. We had no problems growing up, never had the urge
to go and shoot someone. And we completed high school with nothing more than a fist-fight or two during
the entire school years. What the Hell has happened to society?
signed: a senior citizen.
I can remember going to my HIGH SCHOOL and seeing all the student trucks in the parking lot with gun racks in the back window (with real guns in them)! What the hell ever happened to common sense?
What happened is they banned prayer in schools and even corporal punishment. Without love, values, and discipline, kids don’t have the proper moral background to make good choices.
If anything they should be saluting that vehicle. If it wasn’t for that VEHICLE you my speaking a different language and not sitting where you’re at watching it in this parade!……
Good for him. Perhaps people would rather see him take a knee at the sight of the American flag.
Good for President Trump for resending the invitation to the Philadelphia Eagles to come to the White House, I would much rather hear the Marine Corps band and the US Army choir then see some football players who do not love the United States of America.
May the Eagles never win another football game.
Good bless America and our President and his wife.
Al Gardner MD
Major USAF 1968-1975
I’m moving to Kansas just so I can vote for Him! Keep up the good work and stand Your ground!! Good Job!!!
It’s not just fear. It’s pure ignorance!
I Agree 100% people across America today have been cowed bu congress and Media …its shameful
What do you expect from abundance of snow flakes fairy’s
More gun control? Tell them to bitch to the Dems’ and the Liberals YES even the wuses to get the government to Enforce the laws we already have. Take a look at iran, iraq, Syria, and Jordan, and all the other countries that have no rights except whatever government, at the time, lets them have!! Oh yah to the yahoo who wants to do away with the constituion, try it asshole!
Would have loved to been there to see the libs reaction. They have nothing else to fear so they make Somthing up using the children who could probably care less. More politicians need to stand up to the snowflakes.
I like him alot!!! He is definitely showing support for the 2nd Amendment/Constitution!!! That’s alot more than I can say for some of the bought and paid for RINO Republicans in Wahington that are NOT EVEN supporting our President!! They are supporting their frikkenMoney just like the demoncrats!!!
The so called Republicans have disappointed true Patriots. They should be voted out ASAP.
WHEN SECONDS COUNT THE POLICE ARE ONLY MINUTES AWAY. The police always get there in time to do the investigation.
Every parade they have here,the color guard always have rifles, one american flag,one state flag,and one vfw flag,sometimes even shooting blanks!!!
Soros probably paid some left-wing lunatics to protest the Governor-to-be and his patriotic jeep. People of Kansas…..be PROUD that you have such a dedicated candidate for governor. Also, be real glad that you do not live in the Peoples Republic of Maryland. I would hate to see Kansas turn into another Maryland with a Socialist government.
As another Marylander you are SO right. I remember when the people of Maryland were proud of their state but no longer!!
You are talking about Shawnee. The People’s Republic of Shawnee. It doesn’t represent Kansas in any way, shape, or form. It’s like Boulder is to Colorado. It’s Progressive Snowflake Paradise.
I believe his name is pronounced George Sorryass.
That reminds me, do these snowflakes ever attend a veteran’s graveside service? Do they have conniptions when they actually hear the blanks being fired in a 21-gun salute? They really are sorry examples of Americans, they don’t know what patriotism means. They are annoyed if they have to wait on a funeral procession for a deceased veteran or law-enforcement officer. Maybe their grandparents should tell them about the sacrifices made on the home-front during WWI and WWII.
I think it is great
People aren’t afraid. But just like any unarmed citizen; when you see a person open carry anywhere around you, doesn’t it make you feel a lil nervous. Even when a cop is near my nerves constrict a little. When I open carry my .9mm magnum baby desert eagle anywhere, I have on my two gold chains and look like a street thug, people dont just eye me. They keep there eyes on my sidearm. People aren’t scared but they are definitely nervous. I think what the jeep with the “replica” is awesome! And in a parade I’m sure the announcer made the announcement of the tactical jeep first described as “replica”. People dont listen, they just look and assume and call there too soon judgment when they should of just opened their ears and would know the facts. Thanks,
Second amendment sovereign peace child,
History is history, folks. “Ma Deuce” had a lot to do with the fact we can air our opinions like this.
You’re right Jackson. It’s ironic they stretch the First Amendment to spread lies about the Second Amendment, but without the Second Amendment, the First Amendment would disappear soon after.
The Second Amendment is second to none! (Much like the Army’s 2nd Indian-head Infantry Division)
What the Problem with this Patriot?
I see nothing wrong with this…. Other than it melts SNOWFLAKES
I wish I had one
Maybe someone will do a replica build dvd.? Then even the liberal snowflakes can have one.
Im sure that it was only a few of the adults that was offended by it but im sure the kids probably thought it was the coolest thing they had ever seen..people leave our second amendment alone .im grown and i wish i had one just like it sitting in my front yard
Did he hurt or kill anyone?
Then what is the problem?
He hurt the feelers of a few snowflake liberals. He ought to get a medal for that. They don’t like Kobach anyway because he helped get some strong state laws passed such as standing up for 2nd Amendment rights and not allowing federal agents to enforce unConstitutional federal laws in Kansas. He’s proactively pro-Second Amendment and obviously doesn’t hem and haw about it like most politicians.
In America today there are snow flakes of every age and political persuasion. At most prominent sports events at the singing of our national anthem there is a fly over of military jets. What are those designed for if not killing people. My advice to the sissies of America. Grow a pair.
if the men in this country would grow up and grow a pair instead of being a bunch of whiny weak-minded individuals that no longer know how to lead a family and teach the children right from wrong we wouldn’t have half of the problems that exist today. That’s right, I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the fathers, both absent and present that are afraid of their children, want to be their buddy but not take the role of father. I don’t know if they are too absorbed in their own desires, afraid of their wife, or just broken in spirit, but if you return to the dynamics of true fatherhood, the problems that lead to these scared reactions would fade away. They are your children; lead them, teach them, give them hope and strength and quit cowering in fear.
The SNOWFLAKES need to try and get their head on straight! Only our LAME STREAM Media has a crap fit over this. Kobach is the man for the job! Kansas needs him more than ever. I do feel sorry for the idiots out there.
The Jeep is beautiful and very patriotic. I get a feeling of national pride just looking at it. I wonder how many millions of Americans would love to own a Jeep like this one. I sure would and I would drive around our community with pride.
What a bunch of twinkle toed ignorant pussy cats we are slowly turning into. Its embarrassing to see just how pussyfied the general American citizen has become!
Doesn’t bother me a bit, I drove a gun Jeep in Vietnam!
Thank you for tour service.
That should be “your”
hey, Brother! what’s a typo amongst friends?
Do any of the offended individuals ever attend a military parade or military funeral? We they call for the police, do they expect a cop with just a billy club?
STOP cramming gun control on us and start finding ways to deal with the school shooters. What will you do if children are runover by a vehicle? OHH lets inforce Vehicle Control. Take the vehicles away from law abiding drivers.
LMAO!!!!!…………..WTF?!!!!…….Its all about the children……These neurotic twits pull children out like a gun…..You have to toughen these kids up or else they will run to mommy everytime in their adult life they run into sometime that “disturbs” them…..If we had to fight a war like World War II with these bunch of daisies…we would LOSE…….God almighty toughen up, already!!!
10-4! those that will not support our country, will not fight for it…
If these guys had to “fight” a war, they’d probably carry signs that said “gun-free zone”, according to them, that should work, right? That’s their own logic. Gun-free zones are dumber than bringing a knife to a gun fight. it’s virtually bringing a sign to a gun fight.
There legal ownership of more than 500000 machine guns in the United States owned buy law-abiding citizen. They need to repel the 1986 Gun control act and let the people purchase what they want by the Second amendment.
None of these pussified bleeding heart Grubers complained when they sent me off to Vietnam with an automatic weapon at hand, a 45 on my hip, and a Unit1 on my shoulder along with three belts of M60 as I humped with my brothers as the unit medic. I was one of the few Navy medics in MACV-SOG that was rated expert pistol and rifle and was trauma trained as an OR /ER tech so my tour was written in the sand and I spent all of my time with the green machine G5 instead of supporting my fellow sailors.
Thank you bleeding hearts everywhere for allowing me to hump machine gun ammor and carry a machine gun while I protected your right to be a snowflake.
love it!!!! Thanks a million for your service!!!
Love his rig! The gun hating leftist snowflakes can blow it out their a$$. I’m tired of them being offended, They are offending me.
“Machine guns … are not protected by the Second Amendment.”
According to the Second Amendment, anyone may go anywhere in the U.S. armed with any weapon he chooses, from a howitzer on down, openly or concealed, loaded with as many of as few rounds as he chooses, and the Federal government is forbidden to say or do anything about it.
We have. A VFW in Michigan that has a restored tank and jeep with one on it that they converted the gun to propane and it simulates firing and it is cool to see in local parades with no issues.
Americans have become so sensitive about far too many things. I attended high school in the 50’s where we had a (Gasp) gun club and shooting teams (Gasp) What we have missing ion the deep State indoctrination camps that masquerade as public schools is a curriculum that is devoid of all that is necessary to function in today’s society on a day to day basis. Prayer guns and government (history and Civics) has been replaced with political Correctness that promotes Globalism
Sadly our lieberal “friends” are products of socialist liberal progressive one dimensional regressive hypocritical politically correct lieberal idiot-ological indoctrination camps that masquerade as public schools inculcating our youth instead of instructing them on what they need to know to be productive and responsible citizens.
According to the Deep State (Government) all we need to know is contained within those walls where they brainwash those who are most impressionable, the age of five through eighteen in what the government wants them to know. These perfect little automatons are devoid of all essential knowledge and awareness and ready to do the government’s bidding
Illiteracy doesn’t only affect the minorities but most everyone else as well. Since the government takeover of the education system our children have become nothing more than functionally illiterate automatons dependent on the Deep State and their Propaganda Agency the Lame Stream Media (LSM) and completely devoid of common sense, morals, ethics, personal responsibility, and are intellectually bankrupt. In other words WORTHLESS PARASITIC LEECHES!!!
“When you’re bending over backwards to be politically correct, you aren’t standing up for anything, that’s what I always say.” — EVS
America’s turned into a bunch of limp wrist wuss morons.
When I was a kid, we would watch parades with tanks and armored vehicles and soldiers marching with their guns….
Even the closet wussy’s.
Just my two cents worth.
and well received, Rollin!
Wow! We’ve raised up a generation (or 2 or 3) of ignorant buffoons afraid of their own shadows. Ridiculous.
People need to get a life it was a parade,if they are that scared of guns never leave home.
Americans that are afraid of Guns and the 2nd Amendment, will regret it when they become slaves of a corrupt Government. If they think Communism is so great, why don’t they move to North Korea, China or Russia? Most of them would not last two weeks. They would have that form of government forced on others, who don’t agree with them. The
saying that Ignorance is doing the same thing that is a failure ,again and again, while expecting a different out come. Most of them never worked or sacrificed for anything, they don’t want to be told they are wrong, or that they are sinners.
They also want someone else to provide for them. If we had to have depended on them, America would never have existed.
insanity follows the same definition my friend…
I love the idea and makes me proud that someone has the balls to do this. The hell with the daises. I’m gun lover and would like to see more. Guns don’t kill people, stupid people kill people.
Geesh….I open carry everyday. I conceal carry every day also. I guarantee if you are near me, you are in the safest place possible. I will, without hesitation, lay down my life and use my firearm to protect any innocent person from harm or death. If anyone voiced a negative opinion of what this man did, they are being paid to do it, or they are just a wuss! Grow a pair folks, and get over it! My God…you would think he was running down the street naked reading a Penthouse Magazine… If you have a child who is that scared of a gun, then YOU are the one failing your child! Freedom is not safe…I would rather face danger and have freedom, over having complete safety and be a slave!! Those who would gladly give up their rights for safety, deserve neither!! Let’s get back to being REAL men and women!! I can leave my car running in my driveway, with the door wide open…noone will even think abput touching it!! They know what will happen…no hesitation, no commentary, no remorse. Mess with this Ex-Gunnery Sergeant and you will wish you were never born. SEMPER FI my Marine Brothers!! Oohrah.
same here, Gunny! I wish i had been able to serve my country! i had been rejected for health reasons, but the funny thing is, i’m 60 years old and could have done SOMETHING. but at the time, and i still believe, the strongest were accepted. therefore, i continue to support the military, police, fire and detective agencies until death!
Semper Fi Gunny!
thank you for your service, and courage to display your jeep with the (machine gun) attached, looks cool, and brings back old memories… congratulations….
I was six years old when the Pearl Harbor attack occurred. For the next four years, I cheered when I saw a gun and especially a 50 caliber machine gun. Folks need to keep things in perspective. A public parade down Main Street is not a threat to either schools or children. Youngsters need to be educated to realities of life.
Anyone who makes the statement that “ machine guns aren’t protected under the 2nd amendment “ needs to research Peo. V Miller. ( a Supreme Court case ).
People are teaching their children to be afraid of so many things like guns. They should be teaching them how the world works. Understanding guns is no different than understanding that it is wrong to run over someone with a vehicle.
or being stabbed with a knife, being beaten with a ball bat, a piece of pipe, angle iron, 2 x 4 board, black jack….
It’s far easier to cull a docile and unarmed populace.
Education about our history and government, especially Constitutional rights is just one important front on the war over freedom. If the populace is ignorant of these things, they become docile and unarmed. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and that includes not just the legislative front, but also the educational front as well.
On the basis of this man’s sense of what’s really behind the Second Amendment, I could vote for Kris Kobach. How I wish more people who lived through the World Wars were alive today!
i didn’t, but my grandfather fought and lived through WWII! and i’m forever greatful!!
I think they r a bunch of dumb assessment and I would vote for him . People don’t realize we have had guns for hundreds of years it’s not the gun that bad it’s the people don’t blame the gun if there were no guns. These crazy people would find another way then what do you do get rid of what ever it is they choose. We need to focus on the mentally ill to many bad people in this day and time to take guns away for the people that do it right and obey the laws.
The word I ment was dumb asses
This is nothing more than a group of “snow flakes” attempting to demonize a candidate who is not submissive to their liberal, left wing “Utopian” agenda! They feign shock at this Republican candidate on the pretense that “everyone” should be appalled at his exhibition of a replica firearm displayed on the very patriotically decorated vehicle he chose to drive in the parade. I am not concerned in the least that a candidate for public office made this display, defended his action and is solidly behind defense of our constitutional rights. No one in this country, including our children, should be made to fear good, law abiding citizens who have or display firearms for no other reason than to further a political agenda. I personally don’t know if candidate Kris Kobach is the right person to be elected the governor of the great State of Kansas but, I certainly (without any reservation whatsoever) know that Kris Kobach is NOT the wrong candidate based on his display of the replica firearm in the Shawnee, Kansas parade. The decision as to Kris Kobach’s being the future governor of Kansas will be determined by the voters. I imagine that the voters will remember the feign of shock and the demonization of candidate Kris Kobach by the liberal snowflakes and liberal media in their attempt to keep someone who would defend our constitutional rights from being elected to the office of governor of the Great State of Kansas!
It was a fake gun you snowflakes grow up or go to your safe room in the closet fools.
I think they just stick their heads in the sand to ignore what they don’t want to see or hear, such as any logical arguments. It might make their brains explode.
Why do you think they are pushing so hard for America to be gun free?
Because people are easier to control if they can’t fight back!
Why does a Porcupine have quills? So he can defend himself!
Don’t be stupid, people,. And stop acting like sheep!
They would have complained even if he show up riding a horse & caring a 50cal flintlock . Grow up you complaners.
These people would have complained even is he was riding a horse & caring a 50cal flintlock. Grow up & stop being such a whiner.
If this was a jeep that was made to like like a military jeep and had the MG on board(like Rat Patrol) I could see it, but coming to a parade, driving a vehicle like that with a fake machine gun is a little over the top. I support the 2nd, this is a weapon that is not legal for most people, they need a special license to own one. These are rarely seen outside of museums and really are weapons of war(unlike the so called Assault Weapons that are on the news all the time).
Where in the 2nd Amendment does it say what guns you can have or not have. I’ll tell you! It doesn’t say. At the time of its written it covered all guns equal to and superior to those of the standing military. So quit spreading false claims that have no basis on the Constitution.
As for the display of the Jeep and Fake gun, I have no problem with it. Start teaching your kids about gun safety what to do if they come across a gun outside or in the home. Teach them to shoot in a safe environment because the way things are going they will need those skills before to long.
Well said DHorn. Another plus about taking your kids target shooting and teaching them gun safety is they understand guns better, there’s less mystique that might attract them to “play” with one unsupervised. Make time for your kids to go to the range with you and teach them the responsibility that goes along with it.
I assume this display was offensive to those with no knowledge of our history, the sacrifice of our veterans and Putin supporters.
This is not really a 2A issue. That was a memorial day parade, to honor those who fought and died for this Country. Many of them, members of “The Greatest Generation”, depended on just such a vehicle for their very lives almost 80 years ago.
I am willing to bet that the beginning of the parade featured an honor guard for the flag, and the honor guard carried rifles. Were the snowflakes offended at that?
Yep guns are not the problem… Liberal’s are.
oh my Lord!!!! thanks a million for your passed knowledge, service, and continued lifelong service to your family and country! you are the epitome of everything that was, is and ever will be. we can only learn from our elderly, and TRY not to repeat the past…
Marvin L. Curland … THANK YOU for YOUR service to our country and YOUR defense of our Constitution and the 2nd Amendment teachings to others in the Rifle Club etc.!!!! And I wish you a early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
see below
see above.
hell to tha yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Some also pointed out that Machine guns are Not protected under the 2nd Amendment….” WRONG!
ALL Arms are protected under the 2nd Amendment. The govt. has been infringing on our right from the very beginning.
It saddens me to see how “un-American” America has become!
Love that Jeep!! Our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon. What part of our second Amendment do you NOT understand? I’m retired military and disabled, and I swore an oath to protect this great country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I still abide by my oath, even for jackasses to have their first Amendment right.
The Flag isn’t meant to be a vinyl Jeep wrap. The mock machine gun should have been real. This is Kansas and Kris Kobach will get my vote. I met him a dozen years ago. I’ve voted for him in every election.
I’m more familiar with twin 50’s operating in a hughee but, If he needs any help with the next parade I’ll work the single.
1 or 2 more generations ought to do it. The once red-blooded American will be running away from the mere sight of a cap-gun. The decay started long ago, no Christmas trees in public school all the way up making heroes of ungratefull ballplayers kneeling during the national anthym…..Bet you never thought you would see cigarette smokers treated with such contempt either, considering the taxes the product pays in , no doubt gun owners are on the same hit-list
I can’t believe people would be offended by this. What has become of this country.
Yes I am a Conservative, constitutionalist, Vietnam Veteran and retired Police Officer as well as a stanch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. The display of a M2 .50 cal. machine gun on a jeep was not a real bright move. It has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment as it would not be covered. If it was to honor our Military, then it should have been mounted on the top of a Humvee with Military markings driven by someone in a Military uniform.
I would like to say that being offended when you see a firearm, especially one that is not real is totally stupid and you simply are not much of a man or American. The firearm is how and why our country was formed and why it is the most powerful and now respected in the world. Peace through strength.
Jim. ..The full auto was part of the 2nd Amendment Freedoms until it was Hijacked in 1934, without a Constitutional Amendment, by the National Firearms Act of 1934. (Then again in the 80’s). … More “power grab” by the Feds. from the States and the People under the disguise of too much gang trouble etc.???
That’s kind of like saying black guns and “pretty” guns should be treated differently isn’t it?
That’s referring to the patriotic Jeep as opposed to a military HumVee. What difference does it make? Oh no, I just quoted something from HilLIARy.
Those Children and the adults that are so “offended” or “frightened” by the firearm displayed on the Jeep for the parade should refocus their fright onto the cars, trucks and Jeep in that parade. Those types of metal objects have been known to inflict much harm. And those harmful objects pass right next the Children and “worried” adults many times a day on the streets. Where is the outrage for that scary situation? Just curious…
Especially where’s the outrage against any vehicles that “look” faster and scarier than the ordinary family car? Children are statistically more likely to be killed by an automobile in their own neighborhood than by a firearm. There’s no Constitutional Amendment protecting anyone’s privilege to drive. Do they complain about a car show “loophole?”
Think about it, you teach your kids to look both ways before crossing the street, not to play under or around vehicles, etc. Maybe gun safety in schools wouldn’t be such a bad thing, if the liberals could get over their tendency to wet their pants at the sight of one. On the other hand, even if they don’t get over that tendency, let them be exposed for the wimps they are.
I’m surprised that many of these liberal gun-fearing idiots don’t complain about color guards carrying rifles next to the flags. Or, are those the next thing to complain about!
Do you mean complaining about the rifles or the flags, or maybe both?
If they think a replica 50 Cal is bad they should come to McCurtain co. Oklahoma and see the one we use in our parades.
They aren’t snowflakes, they are the leftover PUDDLES!!! Will we get to the point that the police will have to carry their guns concealed! BAWK-BAWK-BAWK!!!
Lord allow me the serenity to accept the stupid the way they are. The courage to hold my outrage in check so I don’t have to go to jail.
People have become such pussy’s these days, why do we have school shooting, because they are come kill me zones or gun free zones that’s why. Guns don’t kill people, people do.if I lived in his state I would vote for him. The left believes WE THE PEOPLE are some how just going to give up our gun’s, sorry ant going to happen.
“Gun-free zones are dumber than bringing a knife to a gun fight. it’s virtually bringing a sign to a gun fight.” — EVS
A REPLICA machine gun, oh my! For over 10 years in the late 60’s/early 70’s my ex-wife rode in every parade in the state of California, INCLUDING THE ROSE PARADE in Pasadena wearing my sequential numbered REAL Colt 45 SA revolvers with a REAL Winchester 30-40 Krag lever action saddle rifle, with a bandolier of dummy rifle cartridges over her shoulder, and the holster cartridge belt full of dummy 45 caliber cartridges while I was the founder and first President of the California National Association of Paraders. Never a single complaint.
This would have been an opportune time to teach your child about the use of firearms and they are not to be feared but respected. They are used for peaceful purposes and entertainment. They also will make you safe in your own home. Proper education will go a long way to help overcome their fears about guns. I suggest he also stop exposing the child to the constant left news blurbs that only foster fear. Teach that youngster what guns are for. If all the busybodies want to ban guns I suggest they start with the Middle East. Ban their weapons and they will have no means by which to wage continuous war which has been going on for thousands of years.
They should send those guys to “fight” a war in the middle east and see how they’d do. They’d probably carry signs that said “gun-free zone”, according to them, that should work, right? That’s their own logic. to repeat: “Gun-free zones are dumber than bringing a knife to a gun fight. it’s virtually bringing a sign to a gun fight.” — EVS
1940’s Jeep made to go to war. .30 caliber machine gun on top to take out fascist nazis. What it the problem? KS still has Fort Riley and the leavenworth federal prison that has a few good military men falsely incarcerated. Give me a break this has nothing to do with civilian owned semi automatic weapons. We grew up on shotguns and .22 semis, .30 Cal semis. Only people that have problems with this are not from KANSAS. Go somewhere else then, maybe Cali? Haa.
After serving 27 years in the US Army, learnibng how to use weapons from .22;s to 155 long toms. Having spent more than 45 years as an NRA/US Army rifle/pistol instructor and long range marksmanship instructor, I fired the M-14 at 1,000 yards with open sights and earned my expert badge. I have taught young boys and men, young girls and women the safty aspects of firearms and have captained 3 competition teams . All over 45 years from the end of the Korean war up to Kuwait. I have never had the urge to kill somone just for the fun of it. Our “government” has ckosed almost all of our mental institutions so now the mentally deranged people go for their drugs and return to the streets. It appears that just about all the “shooters: have had drugs in their system upon autopsy or testing in jail. That and “gun-free” zones and “santuray cities”. What else can you expect from the Liberal left .
Follow up, for those who like to edit a persons thoughts and find fault that he makes mistakes, wait until you are on the disability list and over 80 years of age. Actually I’m 81 and loving it. I am [resently teaching my 5 1/2 year old grandson the basics, and his Father loves it.
Robert Brodie
Major, US Army, Ret.
Long may our flag wave
In my humble opinion, guns are and will always be a part of American history. People of all ages from babies to senior citizens, are exposed to guns and the repercussions that can happen from there use. Parents will protect their children as much as humanly possible and that will not protect them from the world. Parents so adamant about protecting their children from guns, gun exposure, and gun violence should look more at home exposure to guns. Video games portray gun violence worse than almost anything I can imagine. Video games teach kids that gun violence or that all violence is acceptable without consequences for their actions.
Semper Fi., my friend. You would make a great Governor. For all you snowflakes, Leave. Go to California .
That’s cool! Gun fanatics will do that. They enjoy their guns. And one like this would be awesome to own!
My dad, my grandpa, and my uncles used to go out shooting/target practice, every holiday break, when I was a just a little kid. They’d probably still be doing it but I only have three uncles still living, and they’re older that I am! I think they retired from most fun things by the time they were 80.
It was a fitting and very proper display for a Memorial Day Parade.I approve !
If you are old enough you will remember the Rat Patrol was a TV series about WW2 where they had machine guns on jeeps patrolling the desert in Africa. It is a replica of history.
The snowflake who said that weapon was not protected by the 2A is wrong. It is the exact kind of weapon protected by 2A, it’s just not protected by the governments version of the 2A.
The next time Kris goes to another parade have him drive his tank down the street.
Proud and beautiful are those who are free.
What seams more dangerous a replica or the real thing or the real 3000 lb vehicle with 150 HP capable of loosing control and potential sweeping thru many onlookers. Oh its not the machine but the person controlling the gun at fault.
We need more people like him to run for office along with him! If I lived in his area I would be proud and honored to vote for him!!
Here again is another prime example of the gross stupidity of some of our citizens. Convicting a tool of murder and mayham. Why do people still persecute the tool and not the lawbreaker. It is not the gun that kills. It is the person that is using it.
Dead right Laird. You know, I can’t count how many times I’ve read or heard that guns only have one purpose, to kill people. If that’s true, how come millions of American gun owners aren’t also murderers? That belies the argument pretty soundly doesn’t it? How about the good guy with a gun being the only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun? Gun-free zone signs sure won’t do it. A tool is only as good as it’s user, and it’s a person’s choice whether that tool is properly used or whether it’s misused. They say it’s a lousy workman who blames his tools. What do you call someone who blames a “tool” for a criminal act? A lousy liberal.
What a good looking ride. You Mr.Kobach have great taste.
When I was a kid in the 60’s parades often featured our local National Guard unit. The Guard contingent featured jeeps with machine guns (real machine guns), armored personnel carriers (also with machine guns), and 105 mm self propelled howitzers. As a kid I was excited by that display of American might. I guess some of these individuals heads would explode if they saw a parade like that. What has happened to our country?
People need to teach their children so they are afraid. Guns ate tools, not boogy men. They don’t hurt anyone unless it’s in the hand of a person that is going to them. Fools!!!
Sorry meant NOT afraid. My bad.
My first duty station in the Army was with the 2nd ACR rode around West Germany at the time in a Jeep with an M-60 mounted like that 50cal, think Rat Patrol if you can remember the show
Hey all you democrats snowflake better known as FLAKES If you think that obama and Soros and bernie has a better idea of this nation becoming a socialist country why the hell don’t you move over to Russia China or better yet NOKO and see if it,s as great as you have been told or taught. And by all means sell that expensive car that daddy bought you because these damn cars kill people and they should be banned just like your idea of getting rid of guns.
What has America come to? When I was a kid we held our Hunters/Gun safety classes in the school. We walked down Highway 97, on the weekends, with our .22’s shooting rabbits and sage rats. In High School all our trucks in the parking lot had rifles in the rack and we could not wait until lunch to show our new gun to our friends, one we got for our birthday or something Grandpa gave us to pass on as a keepsake. There were no school shootings , at least, where we lived and never heard about them if there were. I can also attest that had one actually occurred on one of our campuses it would not have lasted long. We young men were different then, We had Grandfathers that served in WWII, uncles that served in Korea and Fathers that served in Vietnam, they were proud of their service and we were proud of them. We were taught the value of human life and to respect it. We were taught to stand up and fight when needed and not to start a fight but don’t let anyone back you in a corner. In our homes both of those actions would hold equal punishment. We did not fear guns, we were taught respect for them at an early age, our homes were armed for both protection and hunting.
In all this time the guns have not changed near as much as the careless and reckless attitude of others who have come to regard human life and everything else disposable. Marriages don’t last because they have no compassion or respect for anyone but themselves, we have let them take God out of our schools, our public, our daily lives and even out of some churches, truth has been taught as subjective, they twist words around and label them Politically Correct to the point a drug dealer can now be called an “Unlicensed Pharmacist”. This is the new world we live in, the world we let them create. It may never be the same as it was when we were younger, but we are being backed into that corner we were taught to fight our way out of and if we don’t give up, our children don’t give up; maybe our grandchildren will stand a chance.
I think it’s cool, but these A-hole Anti-Gun Fear Mongers just have to start something.. DemoCraps know that they will not be able to rule us until they take our guns, and that’s the exact reason our Fore Fathers gave us the 2nd. Amendment so we will be able to fight back against the TYRANT DemoCraps, their agenda is very simple, Tax, Spend, and Control, just look at what the Communist DemoCraps have done to Commie-Fornia. Fear the Government that fears it’s people.
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