Another article that really pisses me off… The American Medical Association (AMA) is making a big push to control guns. This is a very powerful group with a loud voice that politicians listen to so it is serious. There is soooo much stupidity in the article below I don’t even […]
Columbus passes illegal “common sense” gun laws
This story came out of Columbus Ohio yesterday. Another example of a local government violating both their state’s constitution and the United States Constitution. COLUMBUS, Ohio After Columbus City Council approved what members call “common sense” gun laws, Monday, President Shannon Hardin gave this statement: “This package was about keeping […]
Courageous Conversations: Concealed-Carry Laws
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Legal experts and CCW Course Instructors break down Missouri’s laws regarding open carry and concealed-carry. For many years, Missouri has been an open carry state for firearms. In January 2017, the state greatly expanded its gun rights with the enactment of a bill that allows people to […]